Finding high-caliber talent to staff your warehouse can be challenging. Luckily, there are organizations that can help you with that challenge: warehouse staffing agencies.
LG Resources serves manufacturing and logistics clients throughout Utah and now in Kansas City. If you need help finding talent for your warehouse,reach outto us today.
Direct Hire: The Secret to Better Employee Engagement and Retention
The hiring landscape is constantly changing. Depending on your industry and where you’re located, you may have noticed a recent shift away from temporary work toward direct hiring....
Why Direct Hire Staffing Saves You Time, Effort, and Money
At first glance, starting out new employees on a temporary basis seems like an obvious good choice. You get time to test out each employee’s skills and culture fit, and the employees...
Finding and hiring the right people is one of the biggest challenges for any organization. Below, we’ll go over some common staffing options that work for many different roles and...