Employer Marketplace
We aggregated 3000+ vendors and 50+ million data points so you have the market data to win on every vendor contract.
By the numbers
The only platform that automates savings, sourcing and management for 100+ spend categories
50M +
Data Points to help you make the best decisions
Avg. Savings
120 Hrs+
Avg. Time Saved
Savings Categories
Average ROI
How Does It Work?
A single platform where you can save, buy and manage all your technology purchases
Save More
Buy Better
Manage Easily
We automatically identify and generate savings for you based on 50+ million market data points. You can expect 5X ROI immediately!

Our marketplace has thousands of vendors. You always have multiple options to find, compare, and benchmark for any technology solution across 100+ categories.

Automatically digitize your existing vendor contracts, spending, inventory, and new orders. With our platform, you are always protected and have leverage.

IT Director
Global Manufacturing Company
"Varisource platform saved my team a lot of time on vendor research and benchmarking, within 4 weeks of working with them we already saved over $50K+ on a single category"
Savings within 2 weeks
5X ROI returns within 45 days
Full visibility into all contract data
Buy Technology In Less Time, For Less Money
There are millions of technology options. You just need the right buying process to find the best ones for your business.
Find Solutions
Building great companies require great tools. Find the right solutions from millions of options with detailed market data.
Get multiple options for every buying decision so you always get the best solutions at the best price.
We help your team negotiate the best terms and deals so they can focus on running the business.
Vendor Compliance
We track vendor contracts, spending, inventory, and savings after every purchase to hold vendors accountable.
Immediately Save Time & Money Across 100+ Business Spend Categories
We help aggregate your internal vendor data with millions of external market data points. From there, we correlate automatically to give you the leverage for business decisions.

Buy Cheaper, Better, and More Easily
Purchase in 3 Clicks
Always get multiple options that fit your requirements so you can validate and decide.
Increase Your Savings
15-30% On Average
We give you access to 50+ million market data points to help you benchmark and negotiate.
Get Value Quickly
Solutions in 30 Days
There's no need for you to implement anything! We do all the work for you.
Add to Your Budget
We help you generate more savings and reallocate that into your budget for new projects.
Your Team Will Make Better Decisions With Better Data
Get the information you need to make the best purchasing and management decisions.
Contracts Data
Know when your vendor contracts will expire and stay on top of them with proactive reminders
Inventory Data
See all your product inventory, service descriptions, order details, and what you pay for in one place
Market Data
Find the best options, vendors, pricing, solutions, and ROI the market has to offer your company
Real-Time Data
Get the most up-to-date information before you take action so you can make sound business decisions
Benchmark Data
Find the best pricing the market has to offer for any purchase request by comparing multiple vendors in 3 clicks
Spend Data
Get all the details on the who, what, when, where, and why of your technology spending in a single dashboard
Actionable Data
Get spending, contracts, and inventory data correlated so your team can focus on making decisions
Vendor Data
See if your vendor is delivering what they promised, on time, with good performance throughout the contract
Industry Data
Find out what solutions and vendors other companies in your same industries are having success with