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Looking to Partner With a Staffing Agency?

Here’s What You Need to Know Before You Choose A Staffing Agency

Discovering the proper talent for temporary or long-term positions is not a simple process. While there are many resources available to help organizations discover and hire talent, local staffing agencies like LG Resources still play a vital role to achieve company strategies of high work production with lower associated costs.

Whether you need specific skill sets and specialized talents or are looking to support your current warehouse team, staffing agencies can be a great resource to help you succeed. Here are three areas that LG Resources can improve your life on the job.

Save Time

In business, time is money, and hiring new staff can be one of the most time-intensive processes there is. By handing over parts of your hiring process, you are able to use the time saved to concentrate on the important, revenue-generating operations that increase your bottom line.

Staffing agency recruiters become a valuable asset to target, identify, interview, and prepare employees to be work-ready on the day they arrive.  By working directly with a staffing agency, you are able to eliminate the time needed to sift through stacks of resumes, narrow down a list of strong applicants, screening applicants, interviewing, and drug and reference checking.

Your company saves valuable time and still gains access to great applicants in an efficient way.

Lower Costs of A Bad Hire

Most companies do not want to invest in a bad hire that can cost them tens of thousands of dollars or more. A bad hire not only wastes resources but can have a negative long-term impact on team morale and company culture.

By working directly with a staffing agency, not only do you have someone to handle pre-screening for you, but you are more likely to receive employees that want to be working and desire to do a good job.

By hiring temporary employees through a staffing agency, you’re able to see how a certain employee performs before deciding to bring them onboard – which drastically lowers your odds of making a bad hire.

Use Our Knowledge To Your Advantage

Top recruiters have training and experience to quickly identify top applicants. Connecting a company to the best possible applicants in the shortest amount of time is their full-time job. Understanding labor market trends, where to locate and recruit quality workers, and pitching the benefits and opportunities your company offers are just a few items they excel at.

This added knowledge allows recruiters to match clients with great applicants whether they need to come in for a pre-job interview or head straight to the worksite to begin a job right away. With stronger connections to actively seeking individuals, it’s more likely our agency will already have a top applicant ready to find their next job opportunity.

Partner with LG Resources!

At LG, we work with our clients as strategic business partners to ensure they are receiving as much benefit as possible. To learn how your company can benefit from working with us, please contact us today.

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